665.48 billion yuan! The growth rate of Henan's total foreign trade in 2020 is the third in China

出海易/ 2022-05-11

Henan daily client reporter Zhao Zhenjie

on January 15, the reporter learned from Zhengzhou Haiguan that the total import and export value of our province in 2020 was 665.48 billion yuan, an increase of 16.4% over the same period in 2019 (the same below), 14.5 percentage points higher than the overall growth rate of the country, and the import and export growth rate ranked third in the country, The total value of import and export ranks 10th in China and first in Central China

665.48 billion yuan! the growth rate of henan's total foreign trade in 2020 is the third in china.

according to the relevant person in charge of Zhengzhou customs, the total import and export value of Henan exceeded the 660 billion yuan mark for the first time in 2020, reaching a new high, and the annual total import and export value maintained a scale of more than 500 billion yuan for four consecutive years.

behind the data, which countries and regions are the largest trading partners of our province? To which regions, the growth rate of foreign trade import and export is faster? According to the data provided by Zhengzhou customs, the United States, ASEAN and the European Union (27 countries, excluding the United Kingdom) are the top three trading partners of our province. In 2020, our province will be the largest trading partner of the United States, ASEAN and the European Union (27 countries, excluding the United Kingdom) Imports and exports were 133.45 billion yuan, 86.8 billion yuan and 84.44 billion yuan respectively, and both maintained high growth

which kind of enterprises contribute the most? What kind of enterprises grow fastest? The import and export of foreign-invested enterprises accounted for more than 60%, and the import and export growth of private enterprises was the fastest. In 2020, the import and export of foreign-invested enterprises in our province reached 410.07 billion yuan, an increase of 15.7%; The import and export of private enterprises reached 20.07 billion yuan, an increase of 19%; The import and export of state-owned enterprises reached 47.84 billion yuan, an increase of 5.6%

<against the trend, what is the structure and quality of henan's foreign trade? on the whole, the growth rate of processing trade exceeded two digits, and the proportion of general trade decreased. in 2020, the import and export of our province in the form of processing trade reached 419.56 billion yuan, an increase of 16.9%, accounting for 63% of the total import and export value of our province's foreign trade in the whole year; the import and export in the form of general trade reached 219.09 billion yuan, an increase of 9.1%, accounting for 32.9%. the import and export of bonded logistics amounted to 22.63 billion yuan, an increase of 199.3%

which products are exported most? Which products have the largest import volume? The province has the largest export of mechanical and electrical products, of which the export of mobile phones reached 231.48 billion yuan. The import of integrated circuits, metal ore and ore is relatively large, with 98.96 billion yuan and 35.19 billion yuan respectively

which places are in the forefront and the fastest growing? Overall, the import and export of 13 provincial cities (demonstration areas) in the province maintained growth, and the import and export values of Zhengzhou, Jiyuan and Luoyang ranked among the top three in the province, of which the import and export value of Zhengzhou was 494.64 billion yuan, accounting for 74.3% of the import and export value of the province. In terms of import and export growth, Jiyuan, Hebi and Zhumadian ranked among the top three in the province

Henan's foreign trade has reached a new high, and policy support, open platform construction and business environment improvement are indispensable

<last year, we detailed and issued five special programs and 61 specific measures, including 'epidemic prevention, stabilizing foreign trade' and supporting the development of china eu trains, to serve the rapid and healthy development of foreign trade in henan."zhengzhou customs official said. under the promotion of zhengzhou customs, luoyang comprehensive bonded zone, kaifeng comprehensive bonded zone, xuchang bonded logistics center (type b) and zhengzhou drug import port have been approved successively, and zhengzhou comprehensive bonded zone (phase i) and civil rights bonded logistics center (type b) have passed the formal acceptance successively. in 2020, all 24 subordinate customs agencies in the province will be officially put into operation

editor: Chen Xin

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