cross border e-commerce helps Hubei enterprises recover from digital sea

出海易/ 2022-05-11

Chutian Metropolis Daily reported on April 24 (correspondent Wang Jing and liwenwen). At present, the COVID-19 epidemic has brought a huge impact on the world economy and Global trade, as well as the operation and development of foreign trade enterprises in our province. However, despite the serious obstruction of the traditional offline foreign trade export model, the new foreign trade formats and models represented by cross-border e-commerce grew against the trend. On the afternoon of April 23, the 2020 Yunfeng meeting of cross-border e-commerce enterprises in Hubei Province (spring rain recovery chapter), jointly sponsored by Hubei Council for the promotion of international trade and Alibaba international station, was successfully held. Nearly 6000 representatives from national foreign trade enterprises, cross-border e-commerce related enterprises and relevant institutions attended the meeting online

cross border e-commerce helps hubei enterprises and digital sea merchants recover

Zhang Xiaomei, President of the Hubei Council for the promotion of international trade, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. She said that due to the impact of the epidemic, the international supply chain has suffered a huge impact and the international market demand has shrunk significantly. Stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment, ensuring orders and share has become the primary task of the provincial council for the promotion of international trade. In order to overcome the impact of the epidemic and stabilize the basic market of foreign trade, the state, the provincial Party committee and the provincial government have successively issued a series of enterprise assistance policies, and our province will launch a number of policies one after another and fully implement them Give full play to the scientific and technological and industrial advantages of our province, accelerate the development of cross-border e-commerce, and take multiple measures to firmly win the battle of stabilizing foreign trade through policy support, building platforms and promoting projects

cross border e-commerce helps hubei enterprises and digital sea merchants recover

in his speech, Wang Qiang, general manager of Alibaba international station's central and western regions, said that in recent years, cross-border e-commerce has become a new engine for China's economic development, a new window for opening to the outside world and a new business form for industrial transformation. In the past March new trade Festival, Hubei foreign trade merchants worked closely with Alibaba international station and broke the online transaction record of the same period last year in less than a month. Alibaba Group restarted on April 7"Chunlei plan 2020" will support 200000 small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises for five months. It will hold all kinds of global digital exhibitions, match more and more accurate business opportunities for businesses through the precipitation of big data for more than 20 years, and provide businesses with full link services from entry to growth to advanced

cross border e-commerce helps hubei enterprises and digital sea merchants recover

Zhang Xiaomei, President of the Hubei Council for the promotion of international trade, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. She said that due to the impact of the epidemic, the international supply chain has suffered a huge impact and the international market demand has shrunk significantly. Stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment, ensuring orders and share has become the primary task of the provincial council for the promotion of international trade. In order to overcome the impact of the epidemic and stabilize the basic market of foreign trade, the state, the provincial Party committee and the provincial government have successively issued a series of enterprise assistance policies, and our province will launch a number of policies one after another and fully implement them Give full play to the scientific and technological and industrial advantages of our province, accelerate the development of cross-border e-commerce, and take multiple measures to firmly win the battle of stabilizing foreign trade through policy support, building platforms and promoting projects

cross border e-commerce helps hubei enterprises and digital sea merchants recover

in his speech, Wang Qiang, general manager of Alibaba international station's central and western regions, said that in recent years, cross-border e-commerce has become a new engine for China's economic development, a new window for opening to the outside world and a new business form for industrial transformation. In the past March new trade Festival, Hubei foreign trade merchants worked closely with Alibaba international station and broke the online transaction record of the same period last year in less than a month. Alibaba Group restarted on April 7"the Belt and Road" and the ASEAN market, has certain advantages in the export of key categories such as integrated circuits and agricultural products

cross border e-commerce helps hubei enterprises and digital sea merchants recover

Qinghua, a senior product expert in the buyer's product department of Alibaba international station, Tong Zhongjie, a senior industry operation expert of Alibaba international station, and Kuang Feng, a representative of Alibaba's excellent foreign trade enterprises, respectively shared themes on insight into the global class B procurement market, analysis of business opportunity trends in key industries of Alibaba international station, 2020 new foreign trade strategic layout, etc., analyzed the future changes of global cross-border trade, hot products in four major trends and predicted online exhibitions It will explain the development trend, how to improve the order conversion rate and repurchase rate of online buyers, how to lead enterprises to make continuous improvement from the four dimensions of business model, channel, brand construction and organizational development in the Internet era, and put forward action suggestions for small and medium-sized enterprises

as the first activity of the 2020 cloud summit of cross-border e-commerce enterprises in Hubei Province, this meeting aims to help businesses understand the new situation of cross-border foreign trade, new ways of online expansion and enhance their confidence in foreign trade. In the future, Hubei Council for the promotion of international trade and Alibaba international station will continue to focus on the theme of cross-border e-commerce, launch multiple follow-up activities according to the needs of different industries and types of enterprises, and take advantage of the Internet to help Hubei enterprises explore the international market and tide over the difficulties smoothly

[source: Chutian Metropolis Daily]

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