Digital enabling foreign trade industry Xiaoman technology has become a typical enterprise in China's cross-border e-commerce authoritative report

出海易/ 2022-05-11

recently, the ECOSOC e-commerce research center of released the 2020 data report of China's cross-border e-commerce market (hereinafter referred to as the "report"). Xiaoman technology, an industry-leading overseas SaaS service provider, is a cross-border e-commerce technology service provider, Together with Alibaba international station, eBay, tmall global and other import and export cross-border e-commerce, they were selected as typical enterprises in the report

digital enabling foreign trade industry xiaoman technology has become a typical enterprise in china's cross-border e-commerce authoritative report

under the black swan epidemic in 2020, offline consumption was widely impacted, and online consumption ushered in unprecedented opportunities. The state and local governments introduced many incentive policies to support the development of cross-border e-commerce, creating a superior development ecology for cross-border e-commerce, enabling foreign trade to maintain stability in the volatile international market environment. According to the data of the General Administration of customs, China's annual total import and export value reached 32.16 trillion yuan in 2020, with a year-on-year increase of 1.9%, of which export increased by 4% The"external circulation" of the economy operated steadily. Based on this background, the economic and social e-commerce research center of China's influential social think tank network and the Online Economic and social cross-border e-commerce platform jointly released the report, which deeply analyzed the cross-border e-commerce market environment and the contributions of typical players in the past year

as a cross-border e-commerce technology service enterprise with increasingly strong influence in recent years, Xiaoman technology's inclusion in this report is not surprising. Not long ago, Xiaoman technology has just celebrated its eighth birthday. Innovation and technology are the "propeller" that has rapidly jumped to the top of the industry in the past eight years. With the goal of digital enabled enterprise organization, Xiaoman technology not only took the lead in introducing AI technology into CRM system and launched a series of digital and intelligent management products such as okki CRM under the solid support of its own technical strength, but also gave full play to its R & D advantages, and made great efforts to open up the whole link of customer management, sales management, team management and performance supply chain management, so as to help users make the digital transformation of the whole process of enterprise management

during the epidemic last year, the technical value of Xiaoman technology was fully demonstrated in the use of users. Under the impact of the epidemic, online orders have increased greatly, posing great challenges to the response ability, order receiving ability and transformation ability of enterprises. Okki CRM starts from the rapid access of the system, realizes the powerful functions of "fast, accurate and stable" such as automatic keyword matching of customers, second speed customer background investigation and in-depth analysis of customs data with AI, big data and other technologies, and uses digital intelligent tools to replace human statistics, search and analysis. The work efficiency has been greatly improved. Therefore, users can still handle a large number of inquiries and orders. The fundamental reason why enterprises can successfully respond to the challenge of the epidemic is that enterprises have realized a major transformation from the traditional management mode dominated by human resources to the digital management mode dominated by intelligent tools. In this process, Xiaoman technology plays an important role of "leader" and "accelerator"

enterprises that create value for users are bound to gain the favor of more and more users. In the eight years since its establishment, Xiaoman technology has served more than 20000 enterprises and more than 200000 users. Shouldering the trust and expectation of users, Xiaoman technology will continue to follow the development path of "innovation and technology is king" in the future, make in-depth exploration and steady settlement in the broader field of foreign trade such as independent station and ERP, and play a greater enabling role and driving force in the forward wave of China's cross-border trade

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