the growth of China's foreign trade against the trend has these five new characteristics

出海易/ 2022-05-11

in the past year, despite the increasing influence of external uncertain factors, China's foreign trade has maintained a positive development trend of overall stability, stability and quality improvement, with scale expansion and quality improvement. China is already a major trading partner of more than 120 countries and regions, playing an increasingly important role in global economic governance and multilateral and bilateral economic and trade cooperation. Analysts generally believe that with the continuous development of various policies in the future, China's foreign trade is expected to be further stable and far-reaching

foreign trade presents five new features

the head of the foreign trade department of the Ministry of Commerce pointed out that China's foreign trade has bucked the trend and handed over a qualified answer. Specifically, China's foreign trade presents five new features:

first, the trade scale and international market share have both reached a new level. The scale of import, export and import reached a record high, and China's export share in the international market increased steadily. According to the latest statistics of the WTO, in the first three quarters of last year, China's export growth was 2.8 percentage points higher than that of the world, and the international market share increased by 0.3 percentage points to 13.1% compared with 2018

Second, new progress has been made in trade quality improvement and structural optimization. Imports and exports to the EU, ASEAN, Latin America and Africa increased by 8%, 14.1%, 8% and 6.8% respectively. The commodity structure has been continuously upgraded. The export of mechanical and electrical products accounted for 58.4%, and the export of high-quality, high-tech and high value-added products such as integrated circuits and automobile vehicles increased by 25.3% and 8.2% respectively

Third, the ability of trade innovation has been continuously enhanced and a new competitive advantage in foreign trade is being formed. 24 new cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test zones have been established. The export of cross-border e-commerce retail and market procurement trade accounts for 3.5%, and the number of overseas warehouses exceeds 1000. Foreign trade plays a more prominent role in leading and promoting industrial upgrading

Fourth, make new contributions to the national economic and social development. Foreign trade has provided a strong driving force for steady growth. In the first three quarters of 2019, net exports of goods and services contributed 19.6% to GDP growth. Foreign trade has led to about 180 million jobs, and the tax revenue from import accounts for 11.6% of the country's total tax revenue. At the same time, the expansion of imports has promoted the rational allocation of resources worldwide and optimized the domestic supply system

fifth, inject new vitality into global economic recovery and trade growth. China has become the world's second largest import market for 11 consecutive years, accounting for more than 10% of the world's total imports

strong economic resilience and good policy effects

Zou Zhiwu, deputy director of the General Administration of customs, pointed out that there are three main reasons for the adverse growth of foreign trade: first, the basic trend of China's stable and long-term economic growth has not changed; Secondly, the overall resilience of China's economy is relatively strong, which is reflected in the field of foreign trade; Finally, a series of policies and measures such as stabilizing foreign trade, stabilizing foreign investment and reducing taxes and fees have effectively reduced the burden on enterprises, and the positive effects continue to be released

"We are the world's largest manufacturing country with a complete industrial system. We have more than 220 kinds of industrial products, ranking first in the world, and domestic industries provide strong support for the development of foreign trade. We have a large number of foreign trade enterprises. Last year, 499000 foreign trade enterprises with actual import and export activities. In particular, private enterprises with more flexible production and operation have released stronger foreign trade competitiveness Trade development vitality. " Zou Zhiwu said

Bai Ming, a researcher at the International Market Research Institute of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, said in an interview with our reporter that under the background of weak world economic recovery and strong external uncertainty, China's imports and exports are not only stable in quantity, but also of better quality, realizing "healthy stability". This kind of achievement of going against the trend and improving quality in stability has not come easily

"China's achievements in foreign trade are closely related to its continuous initiative to expand opening up to the outside world. From the perspective of" opening up inside the door ", we have continuously optimized the domestic business environment, consolidated the industrial foundation for foreign trade development, and obtained new advantages in foreign trade competition through the development of high-end manufacturing industry. In terms of" opening up at the door ", China has not only taken the initiative to reduce import tariffs for many years, but also set up pilot free trade zones on a large scale to open up fast links Turn off 'green channel'; As for "opening up outside the door", China has taken the initiative to adapt to the laws of industrial development and the new stage of foreign trade development, and promoted the diversification of external markets through the "the Belt and Road" cooperation. All these contribute to the increase of foreign trade highlights against the trend. " Bai Ming said

full of confidence in the future

foreign trade is resilient and enterprises have strong confidence

at the 2020 International Consumer Electronics Exhibition (CES) held in the United States not long ago, Konka Group from China exhibited a series of latest products with core technology and cutting-edge science and technology, such as micro led and 8K TV, which attracted great attention from all parties. "With the in-depth development of trade globalization and based on its strong manufacturing capacity and scientific and technological innovation ability, China's position in the world economic system has steadily increased. To further strengthen China's global competitiveness, we need to accelerate the transformation from made in China to created in China, from Chinese speed to Chinese quality, and from Chinese products to Chinese brands. We are actively expanding overseas business and accelerating transformation and upgrading." Zhou Bin, President of Konka Group, told our reporter that it is expected that its overseas market revenue will exceed or equal to that of the domestic market in the next two years. It is understood that at present, more and more Chinese brand enterprises are making great strides to go global and actively layout the global market

for the foreign trade situation in 2020, Bai Ming further pointed out that at present, the downward pressure facing the world economy, especially the developed economies, still exists, and the unstable and uncertain threat of China's external demand environment has not been completely eliminated. Therefore, in the future, China should do its own thing well and take practical actions to increase confidence in Global trade

Zou Zhiwu said that the global economic uncertainty and risk challenges have increased significantly, and the external environment for foreign trade development is still severe and complex. However, with the in-depth promotion of the supply side structural reform, the domestic "six stability" policies and measures continue to bear fruit, the business environment continues to improve, the vitality of market players continues to increase, the foreign trade structure continues to be optimized, and the long-term trend of accelerated power transformation has not changed. "It is expected that China's foreign trade will continue to maintain an overall steady growth trend in 2020, and high-quality development will reach a new level." Zou Zhiwu said. (people's Daily Overseas Edition reporter Wang Junling)

source: overseas network

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