the 2020 report on China's urban foreign trade competitiveness was released, and Qingdao ranked 11th in China

出海易/ 2022-05-11
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City's foreign trade competitiveness, Qingdao ranks 11th in China

recently, China Customs magazine released the report on China's urban foreign trade competitiveness in 2020. The report shows that Qingdao ranks 11th in China and first in the province among the top 100 cities with foreign trade competitiveness in 2020

China's urban foreign trade competitiveness index system is composed of five evaluation systems: Urban foreign trade horizontal competitiveness, structural competitiveness, benefit competitiveness, development competitiveness and potential competitiveness. This year is the 12th year that China Customs released this list. In this list, the top ten are Shenzhen, Shanghai, Suzhou, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Xiamen, Ningbo, Tianjin and Beijing

2020 is an extraordinary year. The sudden COVID-19 epidemic has profoundly affected and changed the world political, economic and trade patterns. What is the specific "quality" of Qingdao's foreign trade competitiveness described by five indicators: level, structure, efficiency, development and potential

qingdao ranks 11th in china in 2020

in terms of horizontal competitiveness, the report comprehensively evaluates the average strength of enterprises, relative development speed, import and export balance, economic extroversion and other multi-dimensional and multi-dimensional perspectives, and selects the top 30 competitiveness of China's urban foreign trade in 2020. Qingdao ranks 20th, and the top three are Shenzhen, Suzhou and Shanghai.

in addition to the scale of foreign trade, whether the foreign trade structure is reasonable is also very important to measure the foreign trade development level of a city. In terms of structural competitiveness, Qingdao is an absolute" strength shoulder" 。 As an old foreign trade city, Qingdao has been shortlisted for many years. At present, it ranks second in the competitiveness of China's urban foreign trade structure in 2020. It is one of the only three cities with sub item scores of more than 90 points. In 2020, Qingdao's import and export structure will continue to be optimized and its trading partners will be more diversified. In 2020, ASEAN, the European Union and the United States will remain the top three trading partners of Qingdao, with import and export volume increasing by 27.2%, 9.7% and 14.9% respectively year-on-year; The import and export to countries along the "the Belt and Road" reached 181.77 billion yuan, an increase of 16.3%, 8.1 percentage points higher than the overall growth rate of the city; While the export of traditional advantageous commodities such as household appliances and mechanical equipment continued to grow, the export of epidemic prevention materials such as masks and protective clothing and "residential economy" products such as sporting goods also increased significantly; Especially for cross-border e-commerce, in 2020, Qingdao imported and exported 5.42 billion yuan through the customs cross-border e-commerce management platform. Although the volume is small, it increased by 688%. Bonded logistics has a rapid development momentum

the calculation of benefit competitiveness mainly includes the technical content of export products of general trade, the value-added level of processing trade, the driving effect of net export on economy, the ability of export earnings and the conditions of trade. Qingdao is currently ranked 15th in China's urban foreign trade efficiency competitiveness in 2020. It is reported that in 2020, Qingdao's foreign trade import and export realized a V-shaped reversal under the dual pressure of pandemic and global economic recession. The total value of foreign trade import and export in the whole year was 640.7 billion yuan, an increase of 8.2% over 2019, accounting for 29.1% of the total value of import and export in Shandong Province in the same period. Among them, private enterprises, as the main force of import and export in the city, give full play to the flexible characteristics of production and operation, actively explore and adapt to overseas markets, and vigorously develop and expand new forms of foreign trade. In 2020, the import and export quota was 422.27 billion yuan, an increase of 19.5%, accounting for 65.9% of the total import and export value of the city, which is highly competitive

unfortunately, among the top 30 cities in China's foreign trade development competitiveness in 2020, the central region played a "leading role". Zhengzhou, Henan Province won the championship for the second consecutive year, and Qingdao was not on the list. This also shows that Qingdao has some shortcomings in whether to make full and effective use of foreign capital, drive industrial upgrading, improve industrial cohesion and other effective ways to measure the vitality of urban foreign trade development

finally, Qingdao ranks 12th in terms of potential competitiveness. Location advantages, policy orientation, industrial clusters, logistics scale and endogenous economic strength are important potential factors affecting the sustainable development of foreign trade. These factors have important reference value for Qingdao to clarify the changes of advantages and disadvantages in the process of foreign trade in the future and determine the later track of urban foreign trade development

in the first three quarters of this year, the total import and export value of Qingdao was 622.59 billion yuan, almost the same as that of last year. In the face of many uncertain factors, our city will make full use of the international living room and a series of foreign trade service platforms, as well as exhibitions, matchmaking meetings and other exhibition activities to help enterprises expand their international market share. Qingdao Customs will also further deepen the reform of "release, control and service", further simplify the customs clearance process, reduce the customs clearance cost and promote the facilitation of cross-border trade. (Qingdao daily / Guanhai news reporter Hu Xiangyang)

[source: Qingdao daily]

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