the first batch of cross-border e-commerce B2B export goods in our province passed customs smoothly in Wuhu

出海易/ 2022-05-11

(Wuhu Daily reporter Yang Youyi) at 0:08 a.m. on July 1, 274 floor sweeping robots declared by the municipal Muchen e-commerce Co., Ltd. to Wuhu customs in the cross-border e-commerce enterprise to enterprise (B2B) mode successfully cleared the customs, taking 5:30 seconds, Become the first batch of B2B export goods in Anhui Province

this marks the official launch of Wuhu cross-border e-commerce B2B export pilot business. Since then, Wuhu enterprises can convert the goods originally exported through general trade to export through cross-border e-commerce B2B mode. The two-way import and export business of Wuhu cross-border e-commerce platform was fully opened

the reporter learned that on June 22 this year, the General Administration of Customs issued an announcement to replicate and promote the pilot export supervision of cross-border e-commerce enterprises across the country from July 1. After the announcement was issued, Wuhu customs immediately coordinated with the administrative committee of the free trade zone, Municipal Commerce, taxation and other units and departments, studied and formulated implementation plans, convened 11 major cross-border e-commerce export enterprises in our city to carry out centralized policy publicity, and carried out "one-to-one" customs clearance business guidance for enterprises with business intention; Actively coordinate and contact, strive for the strong support of relevant functional departments of Hefei customs, complete the enterprise qualification application in only one day, and complete the first batch of customs clearance business on July 1

according to the relevant person in charge of Wuhu customs, under the cross-border e-commerce B2B export mode, enterprises need fewer documents to declare, the customs clearance process is more simplified and the customs clearance efficiency is further improved

[source: Wuhu news network]

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