heavy! Shenzhen promotes another 30 measures to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment

出海易/ 2022-05-11

reading and innovation / Shenzhen Business Daily reporter Dong Fangfang since this year, Shenzhen's foreign trade has recovered rapidly, becoming the first city to achieve growth among the top five foreign trade cities in China. The Information Office of Shenzhen municipal government held a press conference on stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment of Shenzhen Customs on September 15. The press conference reported the overall situation of Shenzhen's foreign trade from January to August this year, and pushed another 30 hard measures to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment

heavy! shenzhen promotes another 30 measures to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment

the reporter learned at the meeting that in the first eight months of this year, the total import and export value of Shenzhen was 1.88 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2%, ranking first among the top five foreign trade cities in China, accounting for 9.4% of the country's foreign trade import and export; of which, the export was 1.04 trillion yuan, and the scale continued to rank first among the large and medium-sized cities in China; the import was 845.69 billion yuan, ranking third in the country. Shenzhen is a typical export-oriented city, with its total foreign trade export volume ranking first in the country for 27 consecutive years. At the critical moment, Shenzhen withstood the impact. With a good foundation for foreign trade, a solid foundation, sufficient toughness, strong comprehensive competitiveness of enterprises, strong overall support from the government, and Shenzhen customs also continued to promote the" release of management services" Reform and continuous optimization of the port business environment are the key to the rapid recovery and continuous improvement of Shenzhen's foreign trade Tu Lin, deputy director of Shenzhen customs, said that recently, according to the development and changes of the current situation, Shenzhen Customs widely solicited opinions from all parties and comprehensively sorted out, summarized, integrated, updated and improved the measures issued in the early stage in combination with the development of foreign trade, the actual needs of key industries and key enterprises, The "30 measures of Shenzhen Customs to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment" covering four areas, including "serving major national strategies, optimizing port business environment, promoting local economic development and supporting enterprise production and operation" landing of major docking service projects Shenzhen Customs will improve the "one-to-one" docking service mechanism of major projects and customize "one policy for one area", "one policy for one industry" and "one policy for one enterprise" for major projects. For the imported complete sets of equipment for major projects in Shenzhen Customs District, the imported complete sets of equipment shall be transferred from the port to the place of use for inspection, and shall be exempted from compulsory product certification and entry verification of energy efficiency marks. Actively cultivate the China EU train market with Shenzhen characteristics and promote the development of emerging formats the customs implements "layered inspection" on imported rice, provides whole process and whole link policy support for enterprises importing grain from Shenzhen, and improves the unloading efficiency and transportation speed of imported grain; Ensure the stability and smoothness of the international logistics supply chain through multiple channels by expanding the reform benefits of "Huiyan combined port" and supporting the development of "global central warehouse" in special regulatory areas; We will introduce measures to facilitate the cross-border flow of scientific research elements and support the construction of Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and innovation cooperation zone and bright science city support the development of key emerging industries Shenzhen Customs innovates the bonded supervision mode of integrated circuit industry and promotes the extension and upgrading of integrated circuit industry chain. For the equipment and materials imported by high-tech enterprises for their own use that need to be subject to legal inspection, the convenience of "qualification guarantee + compliance verification" shall be given. Shenzhen Customs comprehensively promotes the cross-border e-commerce retail 9610 import business, supports enterprises to innovate the marine 9610 export business characterized by large packages, and cultivates new growth points of cross-border e-commerce. For the whole business chain of Shenzhen jewelry and jade industry, the bonded supervision mode shall be implemented, and the "one platform and five centers" for the development of jewelry and jade industry shall be built Shenzhen Customs has made every effort to build a "duty-free goods +" model, transforming the original single duty-free goods sales channel into a variety of sales channels such as duty-free store sales and cross-border e-commerce online sales. Optimize import and export statistical analysis services, rely on the pilot index survey, strengthen the monitoring, analysis and early warning of import and export data, and improve the accuracy and effectiveness of assisting local governments in decision-making, supporting industries and helping enterprises continue to optimize the port business environment Shenzhen Customs promotes the reform of diversified customs clearance system, superimposes, applies and deepens the customs clearance modes such as "advance declaration", "two-step declaration" and "summary declaration". Reduce the cost of customs clearance and compliance at ports. In combination with the port conditions and the actual needs of import and export enterprises, we will comprehensively promote the "direct delivery of imported goods at the ship's side" and "direct loading of export goods at the port of arrival" at all maritime ports in the customs area, so as to further reduce the customs clearance time the customs will promote the reform of inspection and quarantine supervision mode, complete the import inspection formalities of some eligible commodities at the port in a "one-stop way", pilot the reform of law enforcement mode of "territorial supervision enterprises, port verification products, risk linkage and coordination" for some export-oriented production enterprises, and import prepackaged food, Enterprises are allowed to withdraw from the approved places outside the customs supervision area to implement label technical rectification accurately implement policies to help market players Shenzhen Customs will complete the intelligent upgrading of AEO advanced certification base, improve the capacity-building of enterprise compliance system through multiple channels, strengthen the cultivation of enterprise credit, support high-quality enterprises to become customs advanced certification enterprises, and enrich relevant facilitation measures for processing trade enterprises, Shenzhen Customs supports processing trade enterprises to expand domestic sales by taking measures such as comprehensive superposition of tariff guarantee insurance, temporary exemption of deferred tax interest and selective tariff collection for domestic sales, and pilot to realize the independent storage, transfer and circulation of processing trade goods among member units in the group enterprise industry. Promote paperless registration and filing, handle enterprise registration and cancellation business through systematic channels such as "integration of multiple certificates" and "cancellation facilitation", and realize "one network acceptance and parallel handling" of customs and commercial registration and cancellation<at the same time, the establishment of special measures to help small and medium-sized enterprises avoid the impact of the epidemic situation, and the establishment of"bbd id="87"special measures to deal with the overdue fine of small and medium-sized enterprises to avoid the impact of the epidemic situation" Shenzhen Customs has fully promoted the new "Internet +" mobile case handling mode, and handled simple administrative violation cases in a simple and fast manner; Unblock the channels for solving "problems" of enterprises, and implement "first inquiry, responsibility and centralized management" for difficult problems reflected by enterprises, the masses and the grass-roots level, so as to ensure that "everything is settled and everything is answered"

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