small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises in Shenzhen can enjoy unified insurance

出海易/ 2022-05-11

under the impact of, what should small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises do if they want to explore the international market without funds or guarantee? Recently, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce has formulated a unified insurance policy for foreign trade enterprises, covering enterprises with an export volume of less than US $8 million in 2019

the insurance period of the above unified insurance policy is from January to December 2020, and the losses incurred by the enterprise in the first five months can also be compensated. According to the principle of quick compensation, the compensation time of the above policy is only 15 working days. The guarantee amount is 80% of the export loss of the enterprise, and the liability limit of a single buyer / issuing bank is 150000 US dollars

enterprises log in to the official website of Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Commerce. After querying and confirming that they meet the conditions, they can get the export credit insurance policy from Shenzhen Branch of China export credit insurance corporation. After the enterprise successfully obtains the insurance policy, in the process of daily operation, if the overseas accounts receivable are overdue, or if it is found that there are risk changes in the buyer or the buyer's country, it can report to China SINOSURE Shenzhen Branch at the first time according to the terms of the insurance policy to obtain support and guarantee as soon as possible

after the completion of this round of work in Shenzhen, it will cover about 25000 foreign trade enterprises, accounting for about 90% of foreign trade enterprises in Shenzhen. Xie Xiaoguang, deputy director of small and micro Customer Department of Shenzhen Branch of China export and Credit Insurance Corporation, said: "the new policy has the effect of counter cyclical regulation. It not only helps enterprises solve the problem of 'dare not take orders and cannot take orders', but also actively guides small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises to enhance their awareness of credit risk management, which is of positive significance to the development of large foreign trade markets."

Nanfang Daily reporter Dai Xiaoxiao

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