what nutrients does shrimp skin contain? What are the benefits of eating shrimp skin to your body?

出海易/ 2022-05-11

shrimp skin is a very famous seafood. Shrimp skin is mainly processed from hairy shrimp. The processed shrimp skin can be eaten directly or as an auxiliary material after cooking. It tastes delicious. For example, shrimp skin can be fried with vegetables to increase the freshness of dishes, It can also supplement less nutrients in vegetables, such as protein

what nutrients does shrimp skin contain? what are the benefits of eating shrimp skin to your body? shrimp

nutritional components of shrimp / span

the nutrients in 100g shrimp skin are as follows: 2.5G carbohydrate, 30.7g protein, 2.2g fat, 428 mg cholesterol, 19 μ g vitamin A, 0.02 mg vitamin B1, 0.14 mg vitamin B2, 3.1 mg niacin, 0.92 mg vitamin E, 5057.7 mg sodium, 617 mg potassium, 582 mg phosphorus, 991 mg calcium, 265 mg magnesium, 6.7 mg iron, 1.93 mg zinc, 1.08 mg copper, 0.82 mg manganese and 2 mg iodine 64.5 micrograms of selenium, 74.43 micrograms of selenium and 153 kcal of heat

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it can be seen from the nutritional composition of shrimp skin that the protein content in shrimp skin is relatively high, which is much higher than that of other foods. Therefore, eating shrimp skin can supplement protein, and eating enough protein can enhance the immune ability of the body.

2. Calcium

it can be seen from the nutritional composition of shrimp skin that the calcium content in shrimp skin is very high, so shrimp skin is also a good calcium supplement food.

what nutrients does shrimp skin contain? what are the benefits of eating shrimp skin? shrimp covered vegetables

3. Sodium

it can be seen from the nutritional composition of shrimp skin that the sodium content in shrimp skin is very high. Because shrimp skin itself is seafood, the salt content is higher after processing, so it will feel salty when eating shrimp skin. In contrast, shrimp skin should not be eaten too much at one time to avoid excessive sodium intake.

what nutrients does shrimp skin contain, what are the benefits of eating shrimp skin? shrimp

4. Phosphorus / span

it can be seen from the nutritional composition of shrimp skin that the content of phosphorus in shrimp skin is also relatively high, and phosphorus is one of the basic components of genetic material nucleic acid, while nucleotide is the basic component of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid). In addition, phosphorus and calcium are important components of human teeth and bones.

it can be seen from the nutritional composition of shrimp skin that shrimp skin is rich in nutrients and is a food with high nutritional value, but it is not suitable to eat more shrimp skin and eat too much at one time.

food is the source of nutrition for the human body. There are different contents of nutrients in each food. No food can meet all the nutritional needs of the human body. There is no perfect food, and there is no good for nothing food. All kinds of food have different nutritional characteristics, so they need to be matched reasonably to be nutritious. Balanced nutrition is the basis of health, so we advocate: scientific understanding of food, balanced diet and health care.

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