the Party committee of Suzhou Wusongjiang science and Technology Industrial Park leads the way! Plug in e-commerce "wings" for traditional foreign trade enterprises

出海易/ 2022-05-11

recently, the comprehensive protection zone administration of Wuzhong Economic Development Zone received a banner from an offline manufacturer, and thanked the comprehensive protection zone for building a cooperation platform between the manufacturer and govbuy, a cross-border e-commerce enterprise located in the economic development zone, and promoting high-quality cooperation

the party committee of suzhou wusongjiang science and technology industrial park connects! plug in e-commerce

recently, Wuzhong cross-border e-commerce offline park business matchmaking conference and government procurement promotion activities of developed countries were held in the party masses Service Center of Wusongjiang science and Technology Industrial Park, the comprehensive insurance zone. This event was organized by the cross-border e-commerce platform project of the comprehensive insurance zone, govbuy (China) Sponsored by California Network Technology Co., Ltd., with the participation of Wuzhong District Bureau of Commerce and Wuzhong Comprehensive Bonded Zone Administration

the party committee of suzhou wusongjiang science and technology industrial park connects! plug in e-commerce

since this year, due to the superposition of the epidemic and the Sino US trade war, foreign trade has faced unprecedented challenges. On the basis of enterprise research in the early stage, the Party committee of the comprehensive protection zone Wusongjiang science and Technology Industrial Park has actively guided enterprises with export advantages to graft cross-border e-commerce, expand the market and strive for orders with the help of new forms of cross-border e-commerce.

the party committee of suzhou wusongjiang science and technology industrial park leads the way! plug in e-commerce

this activity aims to promote the cooperation between cross-border e-commerce platforms and offline manufacturers, and promote traditional foreign trade production-oriented enterprises to expand new trade channels in B2G (e-commerce between enterprises and government departments) mode through professional cross-border e-commerce platforms.

the party committee of suzhou wusongjiang science and technology industrial park! plug in e-commerce

govboy (China) California Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a cross-border e-commerce platform enterprise registered in Wuzhong comprehensive insurance zone. It is the only professional platform in China to provide government procurement services in developed countries. Through years of procurement cooperation with overseas government departments, it has a good reputation. At the event site, the company provided us government purchase orders of more than 20 million yuan

this activity has won unanimous praise from offline manufacturers and govbuy

the party committee of suzhou wusongjiang science and technology industrial park connects! plug in e-commerce

it is reported that since its inauguration, the party masses Service Center of Wusongjiang science and Technology Industrial Park, a comprehensive protection zone, has received many enterprises and social organizations to visit and investigate. Perfect supporting facilities and good space atmosphere also provide high-quality conditions for enterprises under its jurisdiction to carry out various activities.

the party committee of suzhou wusongjiang science and technology industrial park leads the way! plug in e-commerce

since the beginning of this year, the party masses Service Center has welcomed 5 batches of organs and" two new"party organization teams with a total of 200 people. With the help of the platform of the party masses Service Center, it has deeply demonstrated the construction of the Party committee of the industrial park and the development of the two parks, which fully reflects the role of the Party committee of the industrial park in condensing the strength of enterprises, inspiring the spirit of employees and building a" solid fortress " It plays a key role in meeting various challenges

at the same time, organize or assist the Party branch of the enterprise to carry out activities for 6 times, including special lectures on execution and fine management, VR experiential safety production special lectures, internal enabling business training, etc. through the integration of Party building activities and enterprise business work, help the enterprise improve its operation management, safety production, business ability and other aspects

in addition, it signed the party organization twinning and co construction agreement with the Party committee of Suzhou Wuzhong sub branch of Bank of China, and gradually realized complementary advantages and work interaction through linkage to carry out characteristic party construction activities, so as to provide more high-quality services for regional enterprises

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