still struggling to find cross-border e-commerce supply chain? The last point sellers have encountered

出海易/ 2022-05-11

in the last issue, we mentioned the problems encountered by many sellers in the selection, including the problems related to the supply chain. Today, Ann intelligence will talk about it! Let novice sellers avoid pitfalls and avoid crooked roads in the process of operation

are you still struggling to find a cross-border e-commerce supply chain? finally, sellers have encountered

cross border e-commerce has been booming in the past two years, and the state has also focused on supporting this industry. Especially during the epidemic period, many Amazon sellers have made a lot of money, which makes many small white sellers who want to enter the market particularly jealous. The problem is that many sellers who want to enter the market now suffer losses first in taking goods in the supply chain. They not only have no advantage in price, but also have a big problem whether the supply chain can meet the needs of sellers, Not to mention all kinds of cooperation in cash accounting period and logistics delivery. After all, it takes time for both sides to start business and trust each other. So how to choose the first step and find a high-quality supply chain<spanspan bdsfid="73"class="bjh-br"<spanspan span spanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanbdsfid="73"span span span bdsfid="73"span bdsfid="76"class="bjh-p> spanbdsfid=" span span bdsfid="76" span span bdsfid="76" class="span bdsfid=" 76"class=" bjh-p " spanbdsfid=" 76 "span bdsfid=" 76 "class=" span bdsfid="76" class="bjh-p" spanbdsfid="76" span="77" class="bjh-strong" bjh-strong " <spanspan / span span span span span span spanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspan bdsfid="77"77"77"77"class="77"class="class="bjh-strong"bjh-strong"> <<<<<spanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspanspan80"class="bjh-p"> 1. On the Internet , many people first think of online query, such as 1688 platform, forum community, and even many are now competing for more prices. This method is not undesirable. It is nothing more than the one with the lowest price. There are too many intermediaries on the platform. If the baby is linked to cross-border e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, express and Ali international, it is still necessary to fight a price war; If you follow the customized baby route, you should pay attention to whether you find a supply chain. In short, it takes a lot of effort to find a high-quality supply chain, and there are certain risks recommended index four stars

2. Find the supply chain offline , which is a test of physical strength and mentality. However, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Sometimes a field visit will give a more thorough view of the supply chain. First of all, determine which category you want to make, and then find the supply chain according to this point. For example, the supply chain of 3C products is concentrated in Shenzhen, small commodities are in Yiwu, and glasses factories are most famous in Duqiao and Jiaojiang. After finding it, the rest is to use time to build cooperation, tacit understanding and trust the recommended index is four and a half stars

3. Friends , many novice sellers will be brought into this circle by old sellers. It is normal for friends to introduce the supply chain to each other. When an old seller introduces his supply chain to a new seller, there may be these situations. He may not touch this category in the near future; Or the cooperation with him in this supply chain is not smooth. If none of the above is true, congratulations. The old seller is a valuable person in your cross-border e-commerce industry. He refuses to compete with you and share his supply chain. The proposed index will not be judged

are you still struggling to find a cross-border e-commerce supply chain? finally, sellers have encountered

there are many other ways to obtain the supply chain, which will not be introduced here. I hope all new and old sellers can find good supply chain cooperation and burst orders every week!

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