in the selection of excellent radio and television news in Henan Province in the second quarter of 2018 held by Henan Provincial Bureau of culture, radio, television, press and publication, the TV director's message "remember the general secretary's instructions to promote Zhengzhou cross-border e-commerce supervision model globally" selected by the news department of Zhengzhou TV station won the first prize, Together with other four works, he participated in the selection of national excellent radio and television news works in the second quarter of 2018 on behalf of Henan Province
" remember the general secretary's instructions to promote Zhengzhou's cross-border e-commerce supervision model globally" On May 10 this year, 12 international organizations and world-renowned enterprises from all over the world jointly initiated the establishment of a cross-border e-commerce standards and rules innovation promotion alliance, and proposed to promote the cross-border e-commerce operation and supervision model of Zhengzhou all over the world
" remember the general secretary's instructions to promote Zhengzhou's cross-border e-commerce supervision model globally" It highlights the leading and exemplary role of Zhengzhou cross-border e-commerce supervision model in today's international e-commerce field
what is particularly rare is that during the broadcast of the program, the Sino US trade war is about to begin. The view put forward in the report that we should innovate the international trade model and form new international trade rules, so as to occupy a favorable position in international trade has attracted widespread attention. In the Program Award, this view has also been unanimously recognized by the judges and fully affirmed the report.
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