ChuanHua Shanghai Cooperation cross border e-commerce operation center appeared at the youth cross border conference, and "hetaotong" was concerned by the owner enterprises

出海易/ 2022-05-10

from July 15 to July 17, the first large-scale cross-border e-commerce Expo in North China - 2021 China (Qingdao) cross-border e-commerce Expo and North China cross-border trade selection matchmaking Conference (hereinafter referred to as the youth cross border Conference) was held in Qingdao International Convention and Exhibition Center

chuanhua shanghai cooperation cross border e-commerce operation center appeared in the youth cross border conference, and
the cross-border e-commerce operation center of chuanhua shanghai cooperation co., ltd. was unveiled at the youth cross border conference, and exhibition site

at the exhibition, China ChuanHua Shanghai Cooperation International Logistics Port showed the online and offline integrated cross-border e-commerce comprehensive service platform built by Shanghai Cooperation cross-border e-commerce operation center, introduced its advantages, functions and supporting services in the field of cross-border e-commerce, and attracted the attention of representatives of many Chinese and foreign manufacturing enterprises, cross-border e-commerce and other cargo owner enterprises. at the scene, more than 30 cross-border e-commerce and international logistics enterprises reached cooperation intentions with ChuanHua Shanghe cross-border e-commerce operation center.

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