admission of general majors in Guangdong college entrance examination of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies in 2020

出海易/ 2022-05-10

Guangdong University of foreign studies released the statistics on the admission of general majors in Guangdong college entrance examination in 2020, which can be a reference for college entrance examination students next year

guangdong university of foreign studies 2020 enrollment of general majors in guangdong college entrance examination

Guangdong University of foreign studies, referred to as" Guangwai"for short, is located in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. It is a key university of Guangdong Province. This year's college entrance examination is very popular, and many students in Arts and science have priority to file for higher scores than high scores.

admission of general majors in guangdong college entrance examination in 2020 by guangdong university of foreign studies

a total of 2063 people are enrolled in the literature and history category, with a minimum score of 560 and a ranking of 10024. They are from the Business Administration (Business School) major, with a maximum score of 598. They are from the Spanish major, which is also the second major with the average score. Spanish is the second largest language in the world (about 437 million people use it as their mother tongue according to the number of first language users) , second only to Chinese, Spanish talents are in great demand, so the admission score is so high and reasonable, and the minimum admission score is 568 # education micro headlines #

guangdong university of foreign studies 2020 general majors admitted to guangdong college entrance examination

however, the most popular is the College of advanced translation, with a minimum admission score of 570, ranking 7041, and an average admission score of 576.98.

guangdong university of foreign studies and foreign trade's admission of general majors in guangdong college entrance examination in 2020

a total of 1912 people were enrolled in science and engineering, with the highest score of 622, from English major, and the lowest score was Business Administration (Business School) Major, 570 points, ranking 38633, and computer major is also the lowest score of 570. These two majors are popular majors in other schools, but they are not so popular in Guangwai compared with other majors, but the employment rate of general majors in Guangwai is very high, and the average salary of graduates is comparable to that of Sun Yat sen University and South China University of technology. Guangwai computer majors attach great importance to English teaching. They use a lot of English to code and do soft work, so Guangwai computer graduates will have great advantages in the interview

guangdong university of foreign studies 2020 enrollment of general majors in guangdong college entrance examination

look at Guangdong from the water and breeze, and briefly analyze the data for reference only.

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