foreign trade exports have been growing for four consecutive months. The National Bureau of statistics talked about four reasons

出海易/ 2022-05-10

China Singapore Jingwei client, August 14 - on August 14, the State Information Office held a press conference on the operation of the national economy in July. Fu Linghui, spokesman of the National Bureau of statistics, pointed out that the situation of foreign trade this year is generally better than expected. In July, imports and exports increased by 6.5% year-on-year, of which exports increased by 10.4%, achieving positive growth for four consecutive months. The growth of foreign trade is better than expected, which may be mainly due to the following reasons

foreign trade exports have been growing for four consecutive months. the national bureau of statistics talked about four reasons

Fu Linghui, spokesman of the National Bureau of Statistics (photographed by Xu Xiang)

first, China's economy has great resilience and potential. Enterprises, especially foreign trade enterprises, have strong ability to adjust and adapt to changes in the world economy and trade. / P

Second, the government has introduced a series of policies to support the stability of foreign trade, such as export credit and export credit insurance, which have played a positive role in stabilizing and expanding exports.

Third, China has a complete industrial system, strong supporting capacity and strong ability to adjust major industries to changes in external demand.

Fourth, in the face of the impact of the global COVID-19, China has played an important role in promoting international anti epidemic cooperation. The export of a series of anti epidemic materials has also played an important and positive role in stimulating the overall foreign trade. It should also be noted that, under the challenge of the global epidemic, the production of some economies has stagnated, and the transfer of some orders to China has also played an important role in stimulating the growth of foreign trade. Fu Linghui said that, in general, China's economy The conditions and foundation with great potential and strong toughness are very important

Fu Linghui also mentioned the issue of cross-border e-commerce. He pointed out that some new forms of foreign trade are increasing their support for foreign trade growth according to the recent announcement of the Ministry of Commerce, the supporting role of cross-border e-commerce in the growth of foreign trade is increasing, and the growth rate is significantly faster than that of other imports and exports from the perspective of future development, promoting the development of cross-border e-commerce is mainly considered from three aspects: first, smooth logistics. Cross border e-commerce is a new thing, involving domestic and international logistics. How to smooth domestic and international logistics should continue to be promoted. Second, capital flow. On the basis of logistics, cross-border e-commerce also involves different domestic and overseas capital flows. How to make the capital flow communicate quickly and smoothly also plays an important role in the development of cross-border e-commerce. Third, information flow. How to better serve users through the smooth flow of information, meet the needs of major users through the flow of information, and quickly serve the requirements of customers. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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