Anhui uncle started a cross-border e-commerce business with 6000 yuan and sold glass abroad, with an annual sales of more than 10 million yuan

出海易/ 2022-05-10
anhui uncle started a cross-border e-commerce business with 6000 yuan and sold glass abroad, with annual sales of more than ten million

I am 42 years old. At present, the focus of my career is mainly on cross-border e-commerce. What I sell is our traditional cultural art glass

anhui uncle started a cross-border e-commerce business with 6000 yuan and sold the glass abroad, with an annual sales of more than 10 million

I loved glass very much since I was a child, and I was obsessed with it. I met my master, a great folk artist, by chance. I put down my previous work and studied with him. At that time, I studied very hard, and I was still working after others got off work

anhui uncle started a cross-border e-commerce business with an annual sales of more than ten million

I started my own glass business with 6000 yuan. Because of our good quality, novel shape, high cost performance, we sold very well. Last year, we developed hollow gourds alone, with sales of more than 10 million, which were very popular on Amazon

anhui uncle started a cross-border e-commerce business with an annual sales of more than ten million

after years of exploration, we have also continued to improve technology and innovation. Last year, we launched the forest series of" encounter with glass", which is more in line with modern people's aesthetics. It is also very popular in foreign markets. Several stores on European and American sites burst orders

anhui uncle started a cross-border e-commerce business for 6000 yuan and sold glass abroad, annual sales of more than ten million

if you know more, you can pay more attention to private message communication. After all, this is not something that can be explained in one or two sentences

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