Taiyuan Customs: there are 1279 kinds of cross-border e-commerce imported goods in Wusu comprehensive free trade zone

出海易/ 2022-05-10

according to the news on August 4, Taiyuan customs data show that up to now, Wusu comprehensive bonded zone has imported 1279 kinds of bonded goods purchased by cross-border e-commerce online, including infant formula milk powder, cosmetics, health care products, mother and baby products, small household appliances, luggage Red wine, etc

since our city became a pilot of cross-border e-commerce retail import at the beginning of last year, the number of enterprises engaged in cross-border e-commerce customs filing has increased significantly, from less than 20 to 43, including domestic agents of cross-border e-commerce enterprises, platform enterprises, logistics enterprises Main business entities required by payment enterprises and other industries

Wusu customs under Taiyuan customs has refined and formulated 15 measures to support cross-border e-commerce in combination with the actual situation. For the marketing activities during some festivals, the customs will master the goods preparation in the area in advance, estimate the declaration scale of the list, improve the supervision efficiency of packages out of the area, and 100% of the packages that match the orders and goods will be reviewed, packed and released on the same day

according to the business demands and consumption needs of enterprises and consumers, Wusu customs innovated and established a new online shopping bonded retail business model, realized the connection between e-commerce and physical consumption, and improved the consumption experience. At present, the commodities sold through the new online bonded retail model include many international well-known brands, and the origin covers the characteristic commodities of 12 countries and regions such as the United States, France and Germany. Reporter Zhang Xiuli

source: Taiyuan evening news

taiyuan customs: 1279 kinds of cross-border e-commerce imported goods in wusu comprehensive bonded zone
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