implement the instructions of the State Council, and the East China Expo will vigorously promote the innovative development of foreign trade

出海易/ 2022-05-10

recently, the general office of the State Council issued the implementation opinions on promoting the innovative development of foreign trade. The opinions proposed that we should unswervingly expand opening-up, stabilize the basic market of foreign trade and foreign investment, stabilize the industrial chain and supply chain, and build a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the main body and international and domestic double circulation promoting each other. As an important platform for deepening China ASEAN cooperation, the 17th China ASEAN Expo to be held from November 27 to 30 will actively take a number of measures to implement the spirit of the opinions

serve the upgraded construction of China ASEAN Free Trade Area and promote regional economic integration in the first three quarters of this year, China ASEAN trade grew against the trend, and China's investment in ASEAN increased by more than 70% year-on-year. ASEAN has become China's largest trading partner, and China and ASEAN have become an important direction and link of each other's industrial chain and supply chain. The 17th East China Expo will focus on the construction of China ASEAN Free Trade Area, continue to make good use of the exhibition platform, add Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay area, "three enterprises entering Guangxi", Beibu Gulf gateway port, public epidemic prevention and health exhibition area, expand the scale of exhibition areas of the new land and sea channel and Guangxi pilot Free Trade Zone, optimize the financial exhibition area around the construction of financial opening portal, allocate resources and elements for enterprises in a wider range, and meet more partners, Get more business opportunities and build bridges

serve the construction of the "the Belt and Road" and promote the integration of China and ASEAN into the global value chain as a whole Pakistan, an important country along the "the Belt and Road", is the special invited partner of the 17th East China International Expo. Pakistani national leaders will deliver a speech through video at the opening meeting. During the meeting, Pakistan's national image, advantageous commodities, key industries, cooperation opportunities, etc. will be displayed in an all-round way, and a promotion conference on Pakistan's trade and investment opportunities will be held. Continue to set up the "the Belt and Road" international exhibition area to display the commodities of Pakistan, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, Sri Lanka, India and other countries along the "the Belt and Road". Through a series of measures, we will deepen the construction of the "the Belt and Road" and promote cooperation between China and ASEAN and other economies in the world

promote the expansion of market opening and create a convenient platform for ASEAN goods to enter the Chinese market relying on the large market of nearly 2 billion people in China and ASEAN, this East China Expo continues to optimize the exhibit structure, highlight the characteristics of import, serve as a bridge for ASEAN countries' commodities to enter China, continue to set up ASEAN commodity exhibition areas to display high-quality commodities of ASEAN countries, and promote more foreign commodities to share business opportunities in the Chinese market

promote the innovation of exhibition mode and explore a new mode of online and offline synchronous interaction and organic integration this year's East China Expo will join hands with Alibaba group to build a digital platform, create a 365 day "East China Expo on cloud", operate online and normally throughout the year, and carry out global marketing. Chinese and foreign exhibitors can display, negotiate and broadcast live online all year round, so as to provide merchants with better exhibition and participation experience, create more business opportunities and achieve better economic and trade results

implement the instructions of the state council and vigorously promote the innovative development of foreign trade at the east china expo

source: Dongbo

editor: Zhong Shuangxia

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