Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Ningbo University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and other colleges and universities specify the summer vacation time

出海易/ 2022-05-09
fudan, shanghai jiaotong university, ningbo university, guangdong university of foreign studies and other colleges and universities specify the summer vacation time <span bdsfid="span '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''in the middle of the </span> <<span span span'bdsfid="span span' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' << colleges and universities specify the summer vacation time

the specific time is as follows

fudan university, shanghai jiaotong university, ningbo university, guangdong university of foreign studies and other colleges and universities specify the summer vacation time
fudan university, shanghai jiaotong university, ningbo university, guangdong university of foreign studies and other universities specify the summer vacation time
fudan university, shanghai jiaotong university, ningbo university, guangdong university of foreign studies and other colleges and universities specify the summer vacation time
fudan university, shanghai jiaotong university, ningbo university, guangdong university of foreign studies and other colleges and universities specify the summer vacation time
fudan university, shanghai jiaotong university, ningbo university, guangdong university of foreign studies and other colleges and universities specify the summer vacation time
fudan university, shanghai jiaotong university, ningbo university, guangdong university of foreign studies and other colleges and universities specify the summer vacation time
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