Zaozhuang's foreign trade rose against the "cloud"

出海易/ 2022-05-09
zaozhuang foreign trade is rising against the

Zaozhuang news, a popular daily published on August 28, published a manuscript on the front page, introducing the achievements of Zaozhuang's open economic reform. The full text is as follows:

the provincial Party committee identified this year as a" key work year", and Zaozhuang municipal Party committee and government decided to implement" reform empowerment and transformation " The project launched the "9 + 2 reform action" from 11 fields

open economy is the weakness of Zaozhuang. The city has set up special classes to strongly promote and accelerate the building of a new highland of opening to the outside world

deep ploughing will bring great harvest. The special class for tackling tough problems in the city's open economic reform has calmly and effectively responded to the impact of the COVID-19, launched innovative measures such as "cloud investment promotion" and created "five clouds" for the expansion and quality of foreign trade. Foreign trade rose against the trend and took the lead in the province

according to statistics, in the first half of this year, the actual amount of foreign capital used in the city was 144 million US dollars, close to the total amount of 2019 (145 million US dollars), with a year-on-year increase of 662%, ranking the third in the province and the fourth in the province in terms of comprehensive assessment; 43 foreign-funded enterprises were newly established, with a year-on-year increase of 760%

in the first seven months of this year, the city's import and export of goods reached 8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26.2%. Among them, the export was 7.53 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 25.7%; The import was 470 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 33.4%; The growth rate ranks second, first and second in the province respectively

the key to developing an open economy depends on projects. In the face of the epidemic, Zaozhuang did not wait to rely on it. It tried to "reform" to attract investment, and made concerted efforts online and offline. "Cloud investment" wrote a new wonderful story. Through the forms of "cloud promotion", "cloud negotiation" and "cloud signing", a large number of foreign-funded projects have settled in Zaozhuang. At the video centralized signing ceremony of two key foreign investment projects in the province, Zaozhuang signed a total of 9 foreign investment projects with a total investment of 850 million US dollars

on May 11, Zaozhuang held a cloud signing ceremony for the city's key foreign-funded projects, focusing on 29 foreign-funded projects such as circular economy industrial park, electric tool Industrial Park and high-altitude UAV. Li Feng, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, had a video exchange with Andy Morgan, chief executive officer of Royal husband airlines. Zaozhuang became one of the few cities in the province that directly communicated with executives of famous overseas enterprises

in order to speed up the rapid and early landing of foreign-funded projects, Zaozhuang has innovatively implemented the "cloud landing" approach. For the signed projects, clarify the leading leaders and specific responsible persons, implement a set of special classes for each project, speed up the online processes such as "not meeting" for approval and "arranging contact" for approval, and promote the 100% landing of the signed projects and the 100% amount of foreign capital to achieve the set objectives

the municipal leaders in charge introduced to the reporter that Zaozhuang made good use of the "five clouds" of foreign trade expansion and quality, and achieved new breakthroughs in foreign economic and foreign trade

take advantage of the platform to run the "cloud Exhibition". Carefully organized foreign trade enterprises to participate in the online Canton Fair and China Fair, with 43 and 31 exhibitors respectively, reaching a record year-on-year high. The countries along the "the Belt and Road" have become the main import and export markets of Zaozhuang City with the help of Shandong export commodities cloud exhibition, cross-border e-commerce platforms, etc. Strengthen the linkage between domestic and foreign trade, hold the province's first large-scale consumption promotion season and export domestic sales season for three months, carry out the "export products into shopping malls, e-commerce live broadcast into foreign trade enterprises" export to domestic sales "double import" activity, display and sell online and offline, and use the platform to bring goods live

efficient negotiation to promote "cloud cooperation". Establish a wechat group of "Zaozhuang foreign economic and trade enterprise home" to promote the linkage of foreign trade, foreign investment and foreign economy. Carry out the online action of "recruiting platforms, building platforms and building brands", give play to the advantages of Zaozhuang inland port as the country's first inland port with the innovative and convenient supervision mode of "land sea linkage and sea rail direct transportation" customs, and negotiate with Shandong high-speed logistics group and other clouds on the opening of the "Qilu" Eurasian train. The train is scheduled to open on June 30, and the first train goes directly to Moscow. With the help of zoom and other international network technology platforms, 7 foreign trade enterprises have conducted one-on-one negotiations with buyers from central and Eastern Europe, Pakistan and Thailand

unblock channels and optimize "cloud finance". Actively responding to the RMB internationalization strategy, aiming at the financial needs of foreign trade enterprises such as Tengda fastening technology, Zaozhuang Branch of Bank of China launched the first API cross-border RMB remittance business in China, innovating and creating a new mode of online cooperation between banks and enterprises. We will implement the "cloud handling" of export tax rebate, simplify the tax rebate process, shorten the time limit for tax rebate, and help foreign trade enterprises recover their funds quickly

strengthen "cloud insurance". Deepen the strategic cooperation with China SINOSURE Shandong Branch, use the "single window" of international trade to provide "non-contact" and "no meeting" services for small and micro foreign trade enterprises under the provincial unified insurance platform. Online insurance takes only 5 minutes, and the underwriting speed is more than 1 month faster than paper insurance. Explore the customized "jujube credit" credit insurance mode. In the first four months of this year, SINOSURE supported the city's exports of US $112 million and served 112 foreign trade enterprises. Since this year, 111 small and micro enterprises in the city have insured online and have received compensation of more than 910000 yuan; The average settlement time of export trade insurance is 19 days, which is the shortest claim settlement time in history

accurately connect and do a good job in "cloud service". Gather enterprises to ensure the market, guarantee orders, expand the market and increase orders, implement the package of policies and measures for stabilizing foreign trade of the central and provincial governments, compile them into volumes, send them to enterprises and rely on higher guidance, and formulate the work plan for stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment of the whole city. Set up 9 service teams for stabilizing foreign trade and foreign-funded enterprises, organized foreign-related lawyers to provide point-to-point legal advice for enterprises, and rescued 61 foreign-funded enterprises. At present, the resolution rate of the list of problems reflected by the city's foreign trade enterprises in the province's stable foreign trade and foreign investment service platform has reached 100%. (reported by Zhang huanze, client reporter of Dazhong daily of Dazhong newspaper industry)

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