cross border logistics prices collapse

出海易/ 2022-05-09
cross border logistics price makes people collapse

the price of cross-border logistics has continued to soar in recent days,

some Amazon sellers jokingly claim that they once ignored the freight forwarder, which makes you unable to stand up for it now,

even senior logistics practitioners lament that they didn't expect it to be so expensive after working for so many years,

If only the price rise is acceptable, after all, the orders on Amazon have soared,

the biggest problem is the lack of power in the final distribution. After the collapse of Amazon FBA,

many overseas warehouses have also burst. The processing capacity of major express companies in the United States is approaching the limit,

some freight forwarding companies even remind sellers to adjust the alarm clock at 9:00 a.m. to grab orders. Today's shipments need to grab orders. What do you think of this situation

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