Shuozhou Customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services, and go all out to stabilize foreign trade

出海易/ 2022-05-09

export is one of the "troikas" driving economic growth. Shuozhou customs deeply implements the central government's "six stability" deployment, adheres to the problem orientation, understands the demands and difficulties of enterprises, takes precise measures, makes precise efforts and provides precise services, and tries its best to help enterprises fully expand new markets and promote the stable growth of foreign trade

shuozhou customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services and go all out to stabilize foreign trade

recently, the staff of Shuozhou customs came to Shanxi shuomi Mutton Industry Co., Ltd. to explain the customs clearance business process, inspection and quarantine process and other policies for enterprises, formulate corresponding assistance measures, and actively help Shuozhou mutton export.

shuozhou customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services, and go all out to stabilize foreign trade

Shanxi shuomei Mutton Industry Co., Ltd. is a provincial-level leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization. It was established in 2014. After six years of development, it has formed a whole industry chain development model of forage planting, processing and distribution, breeding sheep, lamb breeding, slaughtering and processing, and fecal sewage treatment and utilization. It has built a slaughtering line, four split processing production lines, and a cold storage that can store 5000 tons of products.

shuozhou customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services, and go all out to stabilize foreign trade

SHEN Yongzhong, general manager of Shanxi shuomei Mutton Industry Co., Ltd.: in the integrated workshop, the hook from live sheep to finished products are completed in this area. Our slaughtering line slaughters 3500 lambs a day, and the four segmentation production lines process more than 2000 sheep a day, initially forming a" shuomei sheep" Brand

shuozhou customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services and go all out to stabilize foreign trade

recently, the staff of Shuozhou customs came to Shanxi shuomi Mutton Industry Co., Ltd. to explain the customs clearance business process, inspection and quarantine process and other policies for enterprises, formulate corresponding assistance measures, and actively help Shuozhou mutton export.

shuozhou customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services, and go all out to stabilize foreign trade

Shanxi shuomei Mutton Industry Co., Ltd. is a provincial-level leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization. It was established in 2014. After six years of development, it has formed a whole industry chain development model of forage planting, processing and distribution, breeding sheep, lamb breeding, slaughtering and processing, and fecal sewage treatment and utilization. It has built a slaughtering line, four split processing production lines, and a cold storage that can store 5000 tons of products.

shuozhou customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services, and go all out to stabilize foreign trade

SHEN Yongzhong, general manager of Shanxi shuomei Mutton Industry Co., Ltd.: in the integrated workshop, the hook from live sheep to finished products are completed in this area. Our slaughtering line slaughters 3500 lambs a day, and the four segmentation production lines process more than 2000 sheep a day, initially forming a" shuomei sheep"series mutton segmentation products have formed more than 40 conventional products and more than 100 fine segmentation. The products are exported to 65 large and medium-sized cities across the country. They have high popularity and reputation in the industry, won the favor of consumers and customers, won the" top ten brand enterprise award "in China's beef and mutton industry in 2018, and were selected "National consumer assured and satisfied brand" and "Chinese famous, special and excellent products". After the formation of domestic brand benefits, further expanding the market has become the main issue for enterprises to consider

shuozhou customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services and go all out to stabilize foreign trade

recently, the staff of Shuozhou customs came to Shanxi shuomi Mutton Industry Co., Ltd. to explain the customs clearance business process, inspection and quarantine process and other policies for enterprises, formulate corresponding assistance measures, and actively help Shuozhou mutton export.

shuozhou customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services, and go all out to stabilize foreign trade

Shanxi shuomei Mutton Industry Co., Ltd. is a provincial-level leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization. It was established in 2014. After six years of development, it has formed a whole industry chain development model of forage planting, processing and distribution, breeding sheep, lamb breeding, slaughtering and processing, and fecal sewage treatment and utilization. It has built a slaughtering line, four split processing production lines, and a cold storage that can store 5000 tons of products.

shuozhou customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services, and go all out to stabilize foreign trade

SHEN Yongzhong, general manager of Shanxi shuomei Mutton Industry Co., Ltd.: in the integrated workshop, the hook from live sheep to finished products are completed in this area. Our slaughtering line slaughters 3500 lambs a day, and the four segmentation production lines process more than 2000 sheep a day, initially forming a" shuomei sheep", Shuozhou customs has actively promoted the integration of online and offline government services since this year, explained the processing trade, import and export customs clearance and other policies and document spirit to enterprises through the Customs enterprise contact group, and promoted" Internet + customs " To simplify the processing trade business procedures and provide convenient services for enterprises. From January to June this year, it pushed policy publicity information to enterprises for more than 30 times, provided customs policy consultation and business guidance to more than 50 enterprises, handled 41 import declaration forms and levied a tax of 35.12 million yuan; 8 export declaration forms, with an export amount of 558000 US dollars

shuozhou customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services, go all out to stabilize foreign trade

recently, the staff of Shuozhou customs came to Shanxi shuomi Mutton Industry Co., Ltd. to explain the customs clearance business process, inspection and quarantine process and other policies for enterprises, formulate corresponding assistance measures, and actively help Shuozhou mutton export.

shuozhou customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services, and go all out to stabilize foreign trade

Shanxi shuomei Mutton Industry Co., Ltd. is a provincial-level leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization. It was established in 2014. After six years of development, it has formed a whole industry chain development model of forage planting, processing and distribution, breeding sheep, lamb breeding, slaughtering and processing, and fecal sewage treatment and utilization. It has built a slaughtering line, four split processing production lines, and a cold storage that can store 5000 tons of products.

shuozhou customs: accurately implement policies and excellent services, and go all out to stabilize foreign trade

SHEN Yongzhong, general manager of Shanxi shuomei Mutton Industry Co., Ltd.: in the integrated workshop, the hook from live sheep to finished products are completed in this area. Our slaughtering line slaughters 3500 lambs a day, and the four segmentation production lines process more than 2000 sheep a day, initially forming a" shuomei sheep", give full play to its functional advantages, strengthen research, understand the actual difficulties of enterprises, and provide policy consultation and guidance in a timely manner.

reporter: Liu Lei, Li Yan, Li Yuan

editor in charge: Gao Wenwu

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