how effective is the implementation of the stable foreign trade policy? The Ministry of Commerce talked about five points

出海易/ 2022-05-09

source: Zhongxin Jingwei

Zhongxin Jingwei client on November 12 - the Information Office of the State Council held a regular briefing on the policies of the State Council on November 12 to introduce the relevant situation of the implementation opinions of the general office of the State Council on promoting the innovative development of foreign trade. How effective is the implementation of policies related to stabilizing foreign trade? Li Xingqian, director of the foreign trade department of the Ministry of Commerce, said that enterprises generally believe that various foreign trade policies have played an effective role in helping them, which is mainly reflected in five aspects: effectively enhancing the role of export tax rebate, giving full play to the function of export credit insurance, significantly increasing foreign trade credit support, continuously improving the level of trade facilitation and continuously improving government public services

how effective is the implementation of stable foreign trade policy? the ministry of commerce talked about five points

Li Xingqian, director of the foreign trade department of the Ministry of Commerce

Li Xingqian pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the State Council has conducted five special studies on the work related to stabilizing foreign trade, and issued a series of unconventional and phased policies and measures. The strength of these policies is unprecedented. With the joint efforts of all localities and departments, the stabilizing foreign trade policy has achieved remarkable results. It has stabilized the main body of foreign trade, market confidence, supply chain of foreign trade industry chain, international market share and foreign trade base This disk. The special evaluation conducted by the Ministry of Commerce in conjunction with the Chinese government network shows that enterprises generally believe that various policies have played an effective role in helping them, which is mainly reflected in the following five aspects:

first, the role of export tax rebate has been effectively strengthened. This year, we raised the tax rebate rate of 1464 products in full, and 25000 export enterprises have enjoyed the dividend of this policy. At the same time, the processing speed of tax rebate has been improved. Last year, the average processing time of export tax rebate was 10 days. This year, it has been shortened to less than 8 days, and the speed has been increased by 20%, further reducing the problem of enterprise capital occupation

Second, give full play to the function of export credit insurance. In the first three quarters, export credit insurance provided assistance to nearly 140000 foreign trade enterprises, with a year-on-year increase of nearly 28%. Among them, there are more than 110000 small and micro enterprises, accounting for nearly 80%

Third, foreign trade credit support has been significantly strengthened. At present, nearly 20"provincial credit guarantee + municipal" financing modes have been established to alleviate the financing problems of small and medium-sized enterprises in the country

Fourth, the level of trade facilitation continued to improve. The business environment report of the world bank in 2020 shows that the compliance cost of China's single container import and export has been reduced to US $318 and US $330 respectively. In September this year, the overall customs clearance time of China's import and export was 35.02 hours and 1.86 hours respectively, and the customs clearance efficiency was significantly improved

fifth, the continuous improvement of government public services. This year, the Ministry of Commerce established a direct reporting information service platform for key foreign trade and foreign-funded enterprises, which can reflect difficult problems, opinions and suggestions to us at any time. This service is one-to-one, face-to-face. We continue to strengthen early warning and legal services for economic and trade frictions. This year, we have provided legal services to more than 30000 enterprises and issued more than 1500 relevant early warning information. The average time for foreign trade enterprises to know cases has been shortened by 7 days compared with last year

Li Xingqian said that at present, the international spread of the epidemic is still not at an end, and the international trade pattern and trade structure are undergoing in-depth adjustment. We will continue to pay close attention to the continuous implementation of foreign trade policies and measures, pay close attention to the changes in the foreign trade situation, study and reserve a new batch of policies and measures according to the new situations, new problems and new difficulties reflected by enterprises, and continue to promote the innovative development of foreign trade stable and improved. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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