Quanzhou Customs: Jinjiang land port restarted cross-border e-commerce, with exports exceeding 5 million in five months

出海易/ 2022-05-09
quanzhou customs: jinjiang land port restarted cross-border e-commerce, and the export exceeded 5 million pieces in five months

Quanzhou Customs: supervise the export goods of cross-border e-commerce in Jinjiang dry port to exceed 5 million pieces. Photo by Lin Ping

China Daily, Fuzhou, November 26 (Xinhua) -- the reporter learned from Quanzhou customs that Quanzhou International Express supervision center located in Jinjiang dry port has restarted cross-border e-commerce (9610) since June 24, 2020 It has been five months since the export business. As of November 23, Quanzhou customs had supervised a total of 5.2169 million cross-border e-commerce export goods, with a year-on-year increase of 215.47 times and 57.98 times respectively, showing explosive growth in business. This shows that Jinjiang land port has become the largest regulatory site for cross-border e-commerce retail business in Quanzhou Customs District, and the construction of Quanzhou cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone has entered a new stage of accelerated development

in recent years, Quanzhou's cross-border e-commerce has developed rapidly. In 2018, Quanzhou was selected as the"2018 top 20 cities for China's cross-border e-commerce export development" for the first time. As an important export base of light and textile products in China, Quanzhou ranks among the top cities for domestic cross-border e-commerce export with strong industrial foundation and strong supply chain advantages. However, since Quanzhou was not among the pilot cities in the comprehensive cross-border e-commerce pilot zone, many export enterprises transferred to other pilot cities for customs declaration, and the on-site cross-border e-commerce export business was suspended in August 2019. However, on December 24, 2019, Quanzhou was approved as the fourth batch of cities approved to establish a comprehensive pilot zone for cross-border e-commerce, and the implementation plan of China (Quanzhou) cross-border e-commerce comprehensive pilot zone was approved at the end of May 2020, bringing new opportunities for the leapfrog development of cross-border e-commerce. Quanzhou's local cross-border e-commerce enterprises that used to pass customs outside the province have returned to Jinjiang land port for customs declaration, which has also attracted a new batch of enterprises. Most of these enterprises are cross-border e-commerce platform merchants such as lazada and shopee. As the two most popular online shopping websites in Southeast Asia, it has the advantages of large traffic and wide audience, which has laid the foundation for "made in Quanzhou" to open the Southeast Asian market. The cross-border e-commerce retail export has the characteristics of short link, low cost and few restrictions. During the epidemic period, foreign trade enterprises obviously prefer the delivery of international express mail

however, affected by the global COVID-19, the international flight capacity is tight and the export channel is not smooth. Since June 24, Jinjiang land port has successively opened regular international passenger to cargo flights from Xiamen and Quanzhou, reaching a number of Southeast Asian countries, with a total of 85 flights. International freight has opened a new logistics channel for cross-border e-commerce enterprises

since the restart of cross-border e-commerce business at the end of June, shoes and boots, textile clothing and accessories, small accessories, bags, small appliances, digital product accessories and other household daily necessities produced in Quanzhou have been sold well in the Southeast Asian market with the advantages of high quality, low price and strong practicability. Among them, there were 1.05 million and 1.14 million pieces in July and August respectively. Affected by the "double 11" e-commerce promotion season in November, the cumulative inspection and release of export commodities reached 1.11 million pieces as of November 23

in order to improve the efficiency of customs clearance in peak hours and reduce the "warehouse explosion" caused by the increase of orders, Quanzhou customs express supervision site has established a "special class for cross-border e-commerce business" to cooperate with the time of inbound and outbound flights, and set up a special Customs enterprise liaison to implement the appointment overtime system and provide them with overtime inspection and release services on weekends; Take a series of customs clearance facilitation measures such as simplifying declaration, giving priority to inspection, customs transfer and return ledger management, promote brands and manufacturing enterprises to go to sea through cross-border e-commerce channels, help industrial transformation and upgrading, and promote the stability and quality of Quanzhou's foreign trade

Chen chuibin, head of Jinjiang DUOLIAN Logistics Co., Ltd., said: "just contacted cross-border e-commerce 9610 (e-commerce retail import and export) When doing business, I didn't know all the procedures and processes very well. Thanks to the positive and patient guidance given by the customs officers in business, we reduced unnecessary rush. Moreover, the on-site customs officers worked overtime to inspect and release the goods for us, so that our business could be carried out smoothly. I sincerely thank the Customs for their help and guidance

source: China Daily

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