如何加快Account Reviews

亿恩双双/ 2023-09-16

出海如何加快Account Reviews



Account reviews

If at any  time during  an evaluation we find that your current sales  volumes or inventory are not supported by buyer feedback or an established  sales history, we may place your account under review. If your  seller account is placed under review, a temporary hold will be placed on funds in your seller account and we may suspend your listings.

Any funds withheld for an account review are separate from amounts withheld for other purposes, including A-z claims, credit card chargebacks, and unshipped orders. Most reviews are completed within 30 days; however, we may extend the review period at our discretion.

We will notify you of our decision when the account review is complete.


How to expedite an account review

If your account is under review, you may be able to expedite the process by sending  us the following information, as applicable:

- How long you've  been in business
 - The  sources of your inventory 

 -  Anticipated monthly sales on Amazon.com
 - The availability  of items for shipping
 - The address of  any retail locations
 - Links to  other websites where you are actively selling 

 - Tracking information for recently shipped orders
- Dun  and Bradstreet (D-U-N-S) Number

You can send information to  us by replying to the notice we sent you about your review, found in the Notification page of the Customer  Metrics section of your seller account. Tracking information may be  provided in the "Manage Orders" section.

If you have not already done so, you may request feedback from your buyers. When contacting a buyer, keep in mind that pressuring a buyer or offering incentives for feedback is prohibited.  For more information, visit our Feedback FAQ.



来源: 亿恩网
