
亿邦动力网/ 2022-04-19

【亿邦原创】9月3日消息,在2021中国电子商务大会主论坛上,塞尔维亚驻华大使馆代办伊万·坎迪亚斯发表了题为《积极拓展中塞经贸合作》的演讲。他指出,中国向世界不断开放的决心,正好与包括塞尔维亚在内许多国家的需求相契合,塞尔维亚与中国各省在 “一带一路”倡议以及“17+1”机制下的合作,得到了两国领导人的全力支持。








在新领域我们需要加强和扩大与中国的现有合作,这促使塞尔维亚也需要发展和加强与中国各省市的联系。塞尔维亚与中国各省在 “一带一路”倡议以及“17+1”机制下的合作,得到了两国领导人的全力支持。

我们积极推动确立一种合作模式,即鼓励中国对塞尔维亚进行直接投资,同时继续推进中国在塞尔维亚现有的基础设施建设活动。中国河北省河钢集团对斯梅代雷沃钢厂的收购,以及紫金矿业集团与塞尔维亚大铜矿RTB Bor建立战略合作伙伴关系等都是大规模投资扩大产能的例子。





除了目前正在实施的现有项目外,塞尔维亚和中国继续在交通领域开展新的基础设施项目,计划建设新的高速公路并振兴铁路。 塞尔维亚也收到了第一笔“绿地投资”。 计划开设一批工业园区和保税区。 塞尔维亚希望与中国合作伙伴实施更多战略项目,为塞尔维亚的加速发展做出贡献。

我们打算在塞尔维亚设立一家电动汽车工厂,开发机械和电子工业领域设备的某些部件,同时为了实现这些目标会进口一批现代化的、必要的设备。 在塞尔维亚建设塞中工业园的可行性研究正在进行中。 “中国环保能源控股有限公司”签署了谅解备忘录,对在多瑙河左岸泽蒙-博尔察大桥附近建设并装备一个港口进行可行性研究。

由于塞尔维亚与许多国家和国际组织、团体签署了自由贸易协定,因此所有在塞尔维亚生产的,并且其价值超过塞尔维亚原产地价值50% 的产品,都可以免关税出口到拥有超8亿多消费者的市场,其中包括 欧盟、俄罗斯联邦、哈萨克斯坦、土耳其、白俄罗斯以及中欧自由贸易区协定(CEFTA)和 欧洲自由贸易联盟(EFTA) 自贸区成员国。





在进一步了解35.com公司后,他们取得的进步,及创建的和谐营商环境,已经呈现了他们公司业务的专业和创新原则,为两国之间商业关系的建立和发展,友好关系的持续,开启了未来之窗,这是商业成功的保证。 借着今天介绍这款有趣新产品的机会,我希望我们之间的合作能够在互惠互利,和满意的基础上,找到通往成功的最佳捷径。



First of all,I would like to express my gratitude for the invitation to participate and the opportunity to address this meeting,which represents another opportunity to make a step forward in order to intensify the activities between Serbia and the PRC.

China's determination to open up to the world is compatible with the needs of a number of countries,including Serbia,to attract investment and benefit from people-to-people exchange,technology and knowledge transfer.

The need to intensify and expand existing co-operation with China in new areas has directed Serbia to develop and strengthen ties at the local level as well.Cooperation with provinces in China under the Belt and Road Initiative as well as“17+1”mechanism has received full support of top officials of our two countries,President Xi Jinping and President Aleksandar Vucic,and has contributed to the establishment of a model of cooperation that encourages foreign direct investment from China,as well as continuation of its infrastructure activism in Serbia.The privatization of Smederevo steel plant by Chinese Hesteel from Hebei Province,then a strategic partnership with Zijin Mining Group at RTB Bor,are examples of large investments in production capacity.In addition to continuation of its work on major projects in the field of transportation and energy infrastructure,China has been also expanding its presence as an investor in our market through greenfield investments,such as building of tire factory by Shandong Linlong Company,a project worth around one billion USD.China's synonym for technological progress has made us direct our cooperation with China toward the prevailing trends in digitalization and the development of the digital ecosystem.

The Serbian-Chinese friendship,often apostrophized"stronger than steel"both by Chinese and Serbian officials,lasts nearly seven decades.In the last four years alone,we have achieved a record of twelve top-level mutual visits.Serbia is the first country in the region of Central and Eastern Europe that established a visa-free agreement with China,opening its door to many Chinese tourists,enabling more intensive people-to-people exchange at all levels,including students,experts,artists,journalists and others.It has contributed to a greater understanding of contemporary Serbia and China,identifying opportunities for joint growth and progress,while in the same time has strengthened the foundations of our decades-long friendship.

As positive examples of cooperation,there are also numerous projects of Chinese companies in Serbia,which can serve as good examples for investors from your province.We will only give a few examples:Chinese"Mei Ta group"will produce engine blocks and carriers,turbo-chargers and other car parts for famous car brands such as Renault,Ford,BMW and Daimler.Johnson Electric Company,world leader in the area of the electric motor,started their production in Serbia.The company"Tesla Solar",started the production of solar panels and equipment for LED lighting.One of the newestinvestment projects is the construction of a car bulb factory and light elements for cars of Changzhou Xingyu Automotive Lighting Systems in the town of Ni?.

In addition to the existing projects,which are currently being implemented,Serbia and China continue with new infrastructure projects in the area of traffic,the construction of new sections of highways and the revitalization of railways are planned.Serbia also received the first greenfield investment.It is planned to open a number of industrial parks and free customs zones.Serbia wants to implement more strategic projects with Chinese partners to contribute to Serbia's accelerated development.

We intend to open a factory of electric cars in Serbia,develop some sectors of the machine and electronic industries and import modern and necessary equipment for the realization of these goals.There are ongoing feasibility studies for the construction of Serbian-Chinese industrial zones inSerbia. "China Environmental Energy Holdings"signed MOU to do a feasibility study for the construction and equipping of the port on the left bank of the Danube river,near the Zemun-Bor?a bridge.

Thanks to the free trade agreements Serbia has signed with many countries and international organizations and groups,all products produced in Serbia that have over 50%of the value of Serbian origin,can be exported without tariffs to markets with over 800 million consumers,including the European Union,the Russian Federation,Kazakhstan,Turkey,Belarus and members of the CEFTA and EFTA free trade zones.

The tax system is very favorable for foreign investors–tax on corporate profit is among the lowest in Europe and is 15%,and the value added tax is among the most favourable in Central and Eastern Europe.

Serbia has a special incentive system for foreign investors,which facilitates a much easier decision for investing in Serbia.This system is very effective and it implies direct financial support to investors,depending on the region of the investment,as well as the scope of foreign investment.Investments in undeveloped parts of Serbia provide much greater incentives than investments in developed parts of the country.The incentive system envisions two groups of possibilities:incentives given according toeach new employee and incentives according to invested capital.

Regulations have precisely determined the categorization of the region,as well as the conditions of investment.It is also intended that foreign investors can use both possibilities.We will make an example that for each newly-opened workplace,the Government pays the investor an amount of 4000 euros up to 10000 euros,depending on the criteria mentioned.Serbia is the most attractive country in the region according to the level and the extent of these incentives.

Previous experiences with Chinese companies should encourage entrepreneurs of both countries for further investments and expansion of cooperation.

After getting to know more about the company 35.com,its progress and harmonical business environment,created by its people as a professional and innovative principle of the company's business,open up perspectives for the initiation and development of business relations but also friendly relations between the two countries,which are a guarantee of business success.And in the spirit of today's presentation dedicated to this new interesting product,I wish our cooperation to find the easiest way to success based on mutual benefit and satisfaction.

Thank you!

来源: 亿邦动力
